Dead space 2 multiplayer bots
Dead space 2 multiplayer bots

Halo Infinite's bots are built from the ground-up using good old fashioned game AI and leverage the years of development that has already gone into AI-controlled characters for modern Halo titles.To meet the challenge of onboarding novice and seasoned players with different experiences of the series, 343 Industries developed bots for the multiplayer experience and The Academy, a new tutorialisation of the mechanics and gameplay systems of Halo multiplayer, utilizing the bots in service of its goals.

dead space 2 multiplayer bots dead space 2 multiplayer bots

Halo Infinite introduced AI-controlled bots in its multiplayer modes, which received high praise for their more natural and realistic playstyles, behaving like humans play Halo, and enabling players of all skill levels to engage in all-out spartan warfare.

Dead space 2 multiplayer bots